Dear Luke,
Oh my goodness, I am late posting this! But I got it up here before you turned 5 months, so that's something! As you can tell by my late post, you and your sister are keeping me very busy. You ave become so interactive and fun! You smile and laugh all the time. I say this every month, but you are the happiest baby I have ever met. I hope you are this happy your entire life!
You are a VERY big boy. At your 4 month drs apt you weighed 23 lbs and 27 inches with a head circumference of 17 in. You are off the charts! The dr predicted you will be at least 6ft tall, probably taller when you grow up.
You can reach for things and grab on to items, your favorite being Laylas curly hair! Your legs are so strong you and are just dying to be able to stand up on your own. You do great with tummy time, and actually kind of like it. You sit up in a little baby tripod and pull yourself in to a sitting up position. You are also teething big time, jamming everything you can in to your little mouth. You also love the sound of your own voice and squeal and coo very loudly, especially when you are excited.
The big news this month is your sleeping, and not in a good way. You've had a little regression, going from 10 hours in a row to only 3. Womp womp. Please, oh please, go back to sleeping well!
We love you to pieces our sweet Lukey! Keep making the world a happier place, one gummy baby smile at a time!
*Even though this post is late, I did take these pics on his 4 month bday. Just took me a while to upload.
That's a happy boy!
Your eyes are still blue. Swoon.
Princess Belle came to help me take pics!
Tummy Time!
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