Friday, March 7, 2014

Letters to Luke

Dear Luke,

Happy 6 month sweet boy!  How can it be that you have been part of our family for half a year already?!

This past month has shown us just how strong you are.  You sit up totally on your own and are not content to just lie on your back for even a second when I change your diaper.  You can stand up holding on to furniture or our fingers. Unbelievably you will even try to take a few steps while holding on to our fingers.  You squirm out of our arms all day long.  You are just so anxious to be up and running!

You are still my happy and lovable little guy.  You let out big belly laughs when your sister dances for you or we tickle your neck.  You love to wrestle and are already a rough and tumble little boy.  The only time you don't have a smile on your face is when you are working on teeth.  And two teeth popped in during your 5th month.  I now give you solid food and your absolute favorite is avocado.  You can even feed yourself a few puffs.

You are my very big boy, weighing in a 25.1 lbs and 29 3/4 inches.  100th percentile for both weight and height.  The dr estimated you will be at least 6'4".  

I can't believe it's been half a year.  You are such a joy and a light in our family and we love you oh so much!



No biggie, you stand all the time now

Feeding yourself

Check out those chompers.

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