Lucas Ray Melcher arrived on August 26, 2013 at 6:32 am weighing 9 pounds 13 ounces and 21 inches long.
As most of you know, Luke's due date was August 21. Though my midwife wanted to induce me on the 22nd because they were worried he would be such a big baby (they were right) I really pushed to give him a few more days to come on his own. He was scheduled to be induced on Monday the 26th at 7am. For five days I did everything I could think of to help get labor moving, and nothing happened. On Sunday, I gave in to the fact that I would need to be induced and just had a relaxing day. We went to brunch, I took a nap and a long hot shower and spent some extra time with Layla. I went to bed thinking it would be my last good night sleep for a while, I was wrong. At 2 am I woke up with contractions, nothing painful but they were every 5 minutes so around 3:30 we ended up in the hospital just in case. Around 6 my water broke and that's when things got painful. I asked for an epidural, but unfortunately for me it was too late. As the anesthesiologist was prepping my back, Luke decided he was ready to come and he wasn't waiting for anyone. Only 4 minutes of pushing later and Luke was here. So I am now a proud (unintentional) member of the natural birth club. Man, that's a hard club to join.
Luke is an absolute dream and we are so in love with him, no one more than Layla. He is a good sleeper, a good eater and a really good snuggler. Here are some pics of his arrival.
Luke came into this world with his hands praying! The nurses and midwife said they had never seen such a thing.
Everyone loves Susie!
Showing him how these toys work
Just gas or happy to see Mama?
We're working on personal space.
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